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SizePrinting processes organized in our copy center allowed us to save the high quality of work and reduce cost of services to the level which you won't see in other copy centers. In a combination to competently trained personnel, you will receive fast order execution and press in low costs.

 Work specification  Size  Price
 Print Black&White + folding  м2  100 rub.
 Print Color + folding  м2  240 rub.
 Copying Black&White + folding  м2  110 rub.
 Copying Color + folding  м2  250 rub.
 Scaling  м2  960 rub. *
 Scanning Black&White  м2  140 rub.
 Scanning Color  м2  160 rub.
 Scanning Color (300 dpi)  м2  180 rub.
 Scanning Color (600 dpi)  м2  185 rub.
 Print Black&White  A4  from 5 down to 3 for item
 Print Black&White  A3   from 10 down to 6 for item
 Print Color  A4  from 15 down to 9 for item
 Print Color  A3  from 23 down to 13,8 for item
 Copying Black&White  A4  from 7 down to 4,20 for item
 Copying Black&White  A3  from 12 down to 7,2 for item
 Copying Color  A4  from 17 down to 10,2 for item
 Copying Color  A3  from 25 down to 15 for item

* - cost of scaling includes copying and paper.

Price-list on copying works for consumers and new clients (pdf) »